ࡱ> Root Entry=@FileHeaderKDocInfoAmBodyText = = !"#$%&'Root Entry1Y=@FileHeaderKDocInfoAmBodyText [E=[E= HwpSummaryInformation.9PrvImagePrvTextNDocOptions 1Y=1Y=Scripts 1Y=1Y=JScriptVersion RDefaultJScriptO_LinkDocS   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678:;<=>?@BCDEFGHIJLMNPQTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijkl<lx> @8 Idea of the Public Interest and the Ecological Approach to Media: For the Critical Engagement with New Media Abstract: Having begun as an instrumentation of critical engagement with media, the public interest idea seems now caught in an ideological and political economic impasse which does not allow an easy way out. It is an urgent task for the critical community to blaze fresh new thoughts about the idea constructive both at the conceptual and practical level particularly in the current age of media saturation. This study suggests an ecological concept of media as viable new engaging leverage for the public interest idea. The environment approach to media is not originally by any means. What this study tries to do is to enrich the idea of the public interest with the environmental perspective of the media. Key Works: environment, media ecology, metaphor, new media, public interest, technology GIF89aɻxxxkkk]]]PPPCCC555((( d`LH00`Hذ̘`H0|pdXL@`0H `H0`dHL`H0xp`XH@0d LȰ``HH00dLؘȀ`H0xp`XH@d0L `H0d`LH`H0|pdXL@0`$H`dHL00`HذȘdL0xp`XH@0` HdH0ȳ``HHdL0xp`XH@`0H Ը̰ĠऀؘpȈXxHp@h@d8`8X0xT0pH dxddxd`d`p`|``x`p``x`!, H*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIɓ(S\ɲ˗0cʜI͛8sɳϟ@ JѣH*]ʴӧPJJիXjʵׯ`ÊKDD_۷hd[xfܿmL XÈ+^̸ǐ5XX`ܺ/3X3ɕz m०:5f֩WÎMvmҶ'Gͻ7n n |y^šK5ظ-Ouln˟?޳:_}'zTleGnaGniguZWu '# (h}bu6YOaW6NgkucnFu(%"(ntZQiҍ3Ifk>x_fvI~LHUI`#BZd$'fk17r6׃=nv3Nf*ɩ *DΕ'e~MeX$lݔh捈 kcc:`FwhwO"f揷;IfRZk+n_X'xB,E`z懈Hhh2:hZf?9W w 00I몾8Hf/ҙ)kA%2U.[h(UgC-21:DmH'&|iHTS]¢"LqlkqidG> 0RzvV-tmxw|߀.n'7G.Wngw砇.褗n騧ꬷ.n/o'7G/Wo;`a``a`0x 8 d p |lxAdministrator2006D 3 2| | $ 4:01:48Administrator6, 5, 0, 825 WIN6@P,=@[E=@햿Qǿv)N`:OR V"wI#v?@SZDT&F4Z_ii# :vdkt o޼̾yogг,r ,ffsHLy<,HpwpM,GV&@[ ;/cEq}5-WIj`fz72k];^hA1-31-21-rO,~cvV>)d{t :gg08=K^}rV"܄Z 6 Ol=.d .h&SR<='emlOhJz]E8$\Section0\*; AiJb[{P:[`K\5[`@Bb+l?4QF!v#SxKًgq#ckd@RmN.l`my*(F.rڜnYMYшpgL )czimD HWP Document File!uPDO pKmXXXIkGBQ2\Qd&M*Z:3G1>$(Ygz]2V!3N lٹӹ'BkR2D49jcd`߈the idea of the public interest with the environmental perspective of the media. Key Works: environment, media ecology, metaphor, new media, public interest, technology 0wO!qOx_ qOx_ O(KwOOlO<  @T_xzH dp,e_ p$.e_WkQMci"<AEŢR_T"4M&&!iZ{ԓxSC.*חm{73ɤx'E$qPdÝCd*JI!_l+>J-oȟϕw?|:.Gd:Ϥ)+k@c ~0{-WerVG ${"ySd8BQ71õ4p5ut~˻vЮ73I&eSpz/_}Yx52|r(O24/)JN2R5|oJ #-Y%yb( &2QN'?k{rxȄi`6s 59/!{jKb]nBOu X Zm"ۘaȂ8&3$D/e Či7޾/$kdeJs8} ~2XĽ7p#KkϿ9@Me ]qa$X\o=W&3DZ Ƙ|mAkI9݆|f~t3kaf5xF?e<;Nt<+@YeИܪh&A mʎ2| >% 7u#<ˉn>&m&9yׂ:@ K3d|h(]pQ0 WO.dkv!S|+0..+噬D~#73Ѷu/j{`'>J;V34k!T,κX쯛a[{i7,i jυ~Z3X߫54Q;g?@BCDEFGHIJLMNPQTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklHwpSummaryInformation.9PrvImagePrvTextNDocOptions ==Section0\*Scripts ==JScriptVersion RDefaultJScriptO_LinkDocS <lx> @8 Idea of the Public Interest and the Ecological Approach to Media: For the Critical Engagement with New Media Abstract: Having begun as an instrumentation of critical engagement with media, the public interest idea seems now caught in an ideological and political economic impasse which does not allow an easy way out. It is an urgent task for the critical community to blaze fresh new thoughts about the idea constructive both at the conceptual and practical level particularly in the current age of media saturation. This study suggests an ecological concept of media as viable new engaging leverage for the public interest idea. The environment approach to media is not originally by any means. What this study tries to do is to enrich the idea of the public interest with the environmental perspective of the media. Key Works: environment, media ecology, metaphor, new media, public interest, technology GIF89aɻxxxkkk]]]PPPCCC555((( d`LH00`Hذ̘`H0|pdXL@`0H `H0`dHL`H0xp`XH@0d LȰ``HH00dLؘȀ`H0xp`XH@d0L `H0d`LH`H0|pdXL@0`$H`dHL00`HذȘdL0xp`XH@0` HdH0ȳ``HHdL0xp`XH@`0H Ը̰ĠऀؘpȈXxHp@h@d8`8X0xT0pH dxddxd`d`p`|``x`p``x`!, H*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIɓ(S\ɲ˗0cʜI͛8sɳϟ@ JѣH*]ʴӧPJJիXjʵׯ`ÊKDD_۷hd[xfܿmL XÈ+^̸ǐ5XX`ܺ/3X3ɕz m०:5f֩WÎMvmҶ'Gͻ7n n |y^šK5ظ-Ouln˟?޳:_}'zTleGnaGniguZWu '# (h}bu6YOaW6NgkucnFu(%"(ntZQiҍ3Ifk>x_fvI~LHUI`#BZd$'fk17r6׃=nv3Nf*ɩ *DΕ'e~MeX$lݔh捈 kcc:`FwhwO"f揷;IfRZk+n_X'xB,E`z懈Hhh2:hZf?9W w 00I몾8Hf/ҙ)kA%2U.[h(UgC-21:DmH'&|iHTS]¢"LqlkqidG> 0RzvV-tmxw|߀.n'7G.Wngw砇.褗n騧ꬷ.n/o'7G/Wo;`a``a`0x 8 d p |lxAdministrator2006D 3 2| | $ 4:01:48Administrator6, 5, 0, 825 WIN6@P,=@ =@햿Qǿv)N`:OR V"wI#v?@SZDT&F4Z_ii# :vdkt o޼̾yogг,r ,ffsHLy<,HpwpM,GV&@[ ;/cEq}5-WIj`fz72k];^hA1-31-21-rO,~cvV>)d{t :gg08=K^}rV"܄Z 6 Ol=.d .h&SR<='emlOhJz]E8$\; AiJb[{P:[`K\5[`@Bb+l?4QF!v#SxKًgq#ckd@RmN.l`my*(F.rڜnYMYшpgL )czimD HWP Document File!uPDO pKmXXXIkGBQ2\Qd&M*Z:3G1>$(Ygz]2V!3N lٹӹ'BkR2D49jcd`߈the idea of the public interest with the environmental perspective of the media. Key Works: environment, media ecology, metaphor, new media, public interest, technology 0wO!qOd qOd O KwOOdO<  @T_xzH dh,e_ h$.e_WkQMci"<AEŢR_T"4M&&!iZ{ԓxSC.*חm{73ɤx'E$qPdÝCd*JI!_l+>J-oȟϕw?|:.Gd:Ϥ)+k@c ~0{-WerVG ${"ySd8BQ71õ4p5ut~˻vЮ73I&eSpz/_}Yx52|r(O24/)JN2R5|oJ #-Y%yb( &2QN'?k{rxȄi`6s 59/!{jKb]nBOu X Zm"ۘaȂ8&3$D/e Či7޾/$kdeJs8} ~2XĽ7p#KkϿ9@Me ]qa$X\o=W&3DZ Ƙ|mAkI9݆|f~t3kaf5xF?e<;Nt<+@YeИܪh&A mʎ2| >% 7u#<ˉn>&m&9yׂ:@ K3d|h(]pQ0 WO.dkv!S|+0..+噬D~#73Ѷu/j{`'>J;V34k!T,κX쯛a[{i7,i jυ~Z3X߫54Q;g